Often families find that the needs of their children, whether physical or material, exceed their financial means. When a child needs corrective lenses, hearing aids, speech therapy, braces, hospitalization, operations, costly medicines, nursing care, physical therapy, a wheelchair, a special campership, or other services or equipment the N.D.G.W. Childrens Foundation offers a helping hand with grants paid directly to the service providers. Three different types of grants: Individual, Organization, Campership
Childrens Foundation
The Foundation serves children from infancy to age eighteen. All services must be administered within the State of California. Native Daughters Members, agencies, or individuals submit a confidential grant application along with a financial statement. An application is to be accompanied by a report from the doctor, hospital, or clinic which is to provide the services as well as the nature of the disability, the service needed and the cost thereof. For more information email the Case Manager Email: CFcasemanager@ndgw.org