Contact Us
Join Us:
Meeting Time and Place
Meets 4th Monday, 1PM, Congregational Church of
Soquel Parrish Hall, 4951 Soquel Dr., Soquel 95073
(Dark in March, August, & December)
Annual Dues: $45
Initiation Fees:$15 initiation fee + 6 mos. dues ($22.50)

Instituted March 17, 1888
Santa Cruz (Santa Cruz County)
The Parlor was named Santa Cruz because of the name of the city, which was named for the Mission Santa Cruz. Santa Cruz in Spanish means “Holy Cross.”
OUR SEAL: The official seal of Santa Cruz Parlor was designed by a native son, Charles M. Madeira, an artist, who tried to depict the great beauty and abundance of California. The golden sun, rising from the purple hills, represents the wealth of California’s soil. In the background is a banner upon which the bear of our state flag appears. In the foreground, standing beside a stream of life-giving water, are our pioneer mothers. One is sowing and the other reaping, but both are helping their loved ones to settle this peaceful land. Arching above the banner are twenty-one stars, while encircling all is the golden chain of friendship.
SUBMITTING AN APPLICATION: If you are considering the Online Application to our Parlor, please be sure to do the following:
- Please fill in “Santa Cruz Parlor No.26” (above your signature and date);
- Fill in Your two Sponsor names. They must be current NDGW Members;
- Fill in Application Fee of $15.00 plus half-year Dues of $22.50. (So the check total is $37.50, payable to “NDGW Santa Cruz No.26”);
- Fill in the Parlor address (at bottom of page) as “NDGW Santa Cruz Parlor No.26, PO Box 5578, Santa Cruz, CA 95063-5578”.
- If you are talented at getting online signatures, go ahead & do that for your sponsors’ signatures and your own.
- Then please PRINT the two-page application. Both pages!
- If there are no online signatures, please get the signatures on Page 1.
- Mail the signed two-page application, a copy of your birth certificate AND the check to that Parlor address listed above.
- If you have questions, please send email to
OUR HISTORY: Our Parlor was founded by 45 young ladies and Miss Anna L. Helmke was the first Parlor President. We have had two NDGW Grand Presidents from our Parlor – Mae B. Wilkin in 1892-93 and Stella Finkeldey in 1904-1905.Our Parlor is part of District 21, which also includes Parlors in Monterey, Salinas and San Juan Bautista.
Parlor members pay dues of $45 per year, and our meetings are usually held on the 4th Monday of each month at 1pm (except no meeting in August, December or March) at Parrish Hall, a meeting room at the Congregational Church of Soquel. Since the COVID pandemic started, we also arrange for “ZOOM” participation at some meetings. For those Parlor members who cannot attend daytime meetings, there are many other opportunities for participation. We have openings for volunteers to serve as Assistant Recording Secretary (for Minutes, Correspondence or Membership), Assistant Financial Secretary (for Dues & Roster), NEWSLETTER editor, “Sunshine Lady” (to mail & email get-well cards, birthday cards, etc), ZOOM-related technician and Investments liaison. We also have committees for Veterans Welfare, Landmarks, Scholarships & various luncheons or get-togethers.